3-Dáy Detox Diet Plán

Looking for á simple 3-dáy detox diet plán to help you improve your skin, give you some cleán energy, ánd lose some weight? Look no further!
We áre by no meáns háting on gráins or meát ánd cláiming thát they áre bád for your regulár diet. We’re simply státing thát it’s good for the body to táke á breák from some of these heávier substánces from time to time.

The 5 foods áre:

  • Blueberries for ántioxidánts ánd energy
  • Greek yogurt (fát is okáy, but must háve 9g of sugár or less) for probiotic ánd gut help ás well ás protein
  • Spinách for vitámin á ánd fiber
  • Red onion for ántioxidánts ánd skin heálth
  • álmonds for heálthy fáts ánd protein

Full Instruction>> avocadu.com

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