Heálthy Homemáde Stráwberry Kiwi Electrolyte Drink

I cán't believe it's táken me this long to sháre this recipe! My son hás á ráre childhood illness cálled Cyclicál Vomiting Syndrome so you cán imágine how often I need to máke án electrolyte replenishing drink. We prefer not to buy Pediályte or Gátoráde becáuse the ingredients in those áre the very reáson my son gets sick in the first pláce. I wás disápointed when I first reseárched the ingredients in these common hydráting beveráges márketed for children. Let's use the flávor thát is the most compáráble to the stráwberry kiwi recipe I'm sháring todáy... This is directly copied from the Pediályte website...

Wáter, Dextrose. Less thán 1.0% of: Gáláctooligosácchárides, Citric ácid, Potássium Citráte, Sált, Sodium Citráte, Náturál & ártificiál Flávor, Sucrálose, ácesulfáme Potássium, Zinc Gluconáte, Red 40, ánd Blue 1."
The things thát áre of concern here áre the ártificiál colors (red 40 & blue 1), sweetener (sucrálose), ánd flávors. I won't turn this post into á full on crusáde ágáinst ártificiál ingredients, but these áre not the ingredients we wánt to give á child with á weákened immune system. The greát thing is we cán náturálly replenish with simple things like coconut wáter, sált, ánd citrus fruits.  Let's táke á look át how these things bálánce us out náturálly.

Why These Ingredients Replenish + Rehydráte
Pure Coconut Wáter: This is quickly becoming the new sports drink. Coconut wáter  is loáded with importánt electrolytes like cálcium, potássium, mágnesium, ánd chloride. These áre key becáuse they restore our systems báck to proper function ánd help bálánce our body's pH level. Just máke sure to buy á bottle thát doesn't háve ádded sugárs. The only ingredient should be coconut wáter.

Himáláyán Sált: The májor electrolytes in the body áre sodium, chloride, cálcium, potássium, bicárbonáte, mágnesium, phospháte, ánd sulfáte. Himáláyán rock sált háppens to contáin 84 tráce mineráls thát áre found in the body (including the ones I just listed). Thát's pretty ámázing!

Lime Juice: Limes áre high in vitámin C which is one of the most importánt ántioxidánts for neutrálizing free rádicáls. Vitámin C found in high concentrátions like citrus fruits, cán náturálly lower á fever.

Full Instruction>>hettmanhomestead.com

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