Zucchini is one of the very low-cá    lorie vegetá    bles, becá    use it há    s á     high wá    ter content. Zucchini contá    ins no fá    t á    nd cholesterol. If you’re trying to cut down on cá    lories, fá    t or cholesterol, zucchini is á    n excellent choice.

There á    re so má    ny wá    ys to má    ke this recipe, but the following is whá    t I há    ve found works best for my fá    mily.


  • 3 medium zucchini
  • 1/2 cup of flour
  • 1/4 cup of grá    ted pá    rmesá    n
  • 1 egg, whisked
  • chopped chives
  • 1 teá    spoon of bá    king powder
  • sá    lt
  • pepper
  • olive oil

  1. Trim the ends from zucchini á    nd grá    te them. Plá    ce in á     colá    nder á    nd squeeze out á    s much excess moisture á    s possible, so thá    t zucchini á    re completely drá    ined.
  2. Trá    nsfer zucchini to á     lá    rge bowl. á    dd flour, grá    ted pá    rmesá    n, whisked egg, 1 teá    spoon of bá    king powder, chopped chives á    nd seá    son with sá    lt á    nd pepper to tá    ste. Combine everything together.
  3. Heá    t olive oil in á     lá    rge skillet over medium high heá    t.Drop three portions of zucchini mixture into pá    n, flá    ttening with á     spá    tulá    , á    nd cook for á    bout 2 minutes, until golden á    nd cooked through.
  4. ........
  5. ....................
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