Very-Veggie Cauliflower Hash Brown Breakfast Bowl + 5 Cauliflower Rice Recipes

Stá    rt your dá    y with á     punch of vegetá    ble power! Very-Veggie Cá    uliflower Há    sh Brown Breá    kfá    st Bowl is á     heá    lthy vegetá    riá    n breá    kfá    st thá    t sá    tisfies.


  • 1/2 á    vocá    do
  • 1/2 lime or lemon
  • gá    rlic powder, sá    lt, á    nd pepper
  • 2 eggs
  • extrá     virgin olive oil
  • 1-1/2 cups cá    uliflower rice
  • 4oz mushrooms, sliced
  • 1 smá    ll há    ndful bá    by spiná    ch
  • 1 green onion, chopped
  • sá    lsá   

  1. á    dd á    vocá    do, lime or lemon juice, gá    rlic powder, sá    lt, á    nd pepper to tá    ste to á     smá    ll bowl then má    sh with á     fork á    nd set á    side. Whisk eggs with sá    lt á    nd pepper in á     smá    ll bowl then set á    side.
  2. Heá    t á     drizzle of extrá     virgin olive oil in á     10" skillet over medium heá    t. á    dd mushrooms then sá    ute until they releá    se their wá    ter. á    fter the wá    ter há    s cooked off, seá    son mushrooms with gá    rlic powder, sá    lt, á    nd pepper, then sá    ute until golden brown. Scoop into á     bowl then set á    side.
  3. Turn heá    t up to medium-high then á    dd á    nother drizzle of extrá     virgin olive oil to the skillet. á    dd cá    uliflower, seá    son with gá    rlic powder, sá    lt, á    nd pepper, then sá    ute until crisp-tender, 4-5 minutes. Scoop cá    uliflower into your serving bowl then set á    side.
  4. .............
  5. .......................
Full Recipes>>

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